Case Study Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas

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Case Study: Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas Keisha Edwards BSHS/335 April 28, 2014 Carrie Natale Case Study: Approaches to Ethical Dilemmas Introduction Human service professionals will experience ethical dilemmas while they are carrying out their work. Within the human service field there are publications that will address the ethics of human service work. Human service professionals carry out their work or mission to help people accomplish their goals in life. In the human service field there are ethical guidelines on ethical decision making to resolve the ethical dilemmas that human service professionals face on day to day bases. Ethical dilemmas in the human service profession are complex and it sometimes involves conflicting views and various ways of finding the best solutions. What Ethical Issues you may Encounter In the case of Bob: Bob has been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder; he has developed symptoms such as: insomnia, hopelessness, sadness, lethargy and depression. Bob’s case worker Felicita is now proposing to double the number of sessions Bob attends per week to make sure that her client progresses during his treatments. Felicita has made this decision based on the symptoms that Bob has been displaying. Felicita’s assessments of Bob’s substance abuse disorder with occurring depression, Felicita’s feels that doubling up on Bob’s treatment sessions will help Bob’s progress. However, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (2013), Felicita need to perform a more thoroughly assessment into Bob’s case. 1. What do you think of Felicita’s plan? Is it justified? In this case Felicita’s plan to increase

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