Case Is The Telephone Company Violating Your Priva

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Sunday, April 13, 2008 Ch 4 Case Is the telephone company violating your privacy? Case 2 Is the telephone company violating your privacy? 1. Do the increased surveillance power and capability of the US government present an ethical dilemma? This increased surveillance power absolutely presents an ethical dilemma. With this power, records and information that was once private is no longer so. IS is responsible for even making this data able to be collected. The major question is when will this stop? What are the boundaries if any? For legitimate purposes I support surveillance of phone calls from/to suspected enemies of the state, but could this lead to an Orwellian society? I think this is a slippery slope and can quickly become a much larger privacy issue than simply “anonymous” phone records. That for me is the moral dilemma in this situation. 3. What are the ethical, social, and political issues raised by the US government creating massive databases to collect the calling data of millions of Americans? As this question states this issue is multifaceted and touches on ethical, social and political realms. Ethically and socially we have a choice to monitor or to not monitor. On one side of this choice, innocent Americans right to be left alone is threatened. Yet on the other hand this data could lead to the capture of terrorist enemies and potentially save millions of lives. The telcom companies need to also remain within the law on these issues. Politically, is this constitutional? Did congress overstep its bounds in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 2001? Is this exception of enough value to tread in this grey area, is the political choice. 4. What is the responsibility of a business such as AT&T or Verizon in this matter? What are the ethical, social, and political issues raised by a business such as a phone company working with the

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