Butler Case Essay

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Caput Corporate Finance: Private Equity Case 2 : Butler Capital Partners and Autodistribution 9 March 2011 – J.K. Martin Case question 1: Should Walter Butler submit a proposal for Autodistribution? What is the nature of the opportunity? In order to decide on whether the private equity firm of Walter Butler should submit a proposal for Autodistribution, we need to estimate probability of Butler creating a higher value when accepting Autodistribution than the price of the deal. And if so, what the risks are. Therefore, several key factors should be considered to begin with: 1) Autodistributions’s position in the market As stated in the Autodistribution History section of the case, Robert Gerbois created Autodistribution in 1964 and began as an automotive parts purchasing firm that was controlled by independently owned affiliates. However, later, Autodistribution also started to acquire wholesales causing a growing purchasing power of the company as it continued buying units based on purchasing volume. Therefore, the network of Autodistribution expanded abroad and began to deveolop an international brand through an international subsidiary of AD, which was called AD International. By the end of 1998 Autodistribution had a favourable market position. It was now the largest independent wholesaler of automotive parts in France and even in Europe with a market share of 33% in the independent wholesaler segment and 10% overall (see exhibit 10). This is good starting point. 2) Goals/Strategies of Autodistribution There were 4 key elemements to AD’s strategy to forward the company: • The first element was to pursue an aggressive acquisition program to build up the organization set in 2 stages. Stage 1 incorporated that in the first 3 years AD would focus on expanding in France with the goal to acquire arounf FF 1 billon of turnover each year. In stage 2,

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