Bscom 410 New Media

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New Media BSCOM/410- Media and Society August 6, 2016 Instructor-Robert Hughes New Media Think about the fairly large amount of media technology individuals have access to, and the amount of time that person spends with these devices and outlets. It is overwhelming when you think about how media is consuming, influencing and altering the way society thinks, what people believe and how individuals see and live their lives as a result of mobile devices, notebooks, iPad, satellite TV, instant messaging. The turbulent power of the Internet has made ecology and vital model in the new media backdrop. A community consists of members who share like interest and or pursuits. They are based on common purpose and or behaviors. The Apple Corporation…show more content…
In more laymen terms, it can be defined as the haves and the have not. Cullen describes the term as "the gap that exists in most countries between those with ready access to the tools of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and those without such access or skills" A good example of this could be the rural school systems against that of a big-city school. In rural school districts, their focus has to be more so on providing nourishment for their students, providing excellent direction from teachers, and keeping them free from danger or the risk of harm. These issues take ups most of their funding these problems take precedent in rural schools. The larger city school districts have to give some attention in this area; It is not their primary focus. They can use their money for personal computers, and or the Internet. Of course, the essential needs of the rural school systems have to be met first and because of this, there is no funding available for new technology unless private funding is put on the…show more content…
The wealthy have the means for making new technology accessible to themselves, and because of this it gives them, great knowledge and knowledge is the foundation of power, which leads to more wealth. On the contrary, the plunging descent of those individuals who are financially crippled and therefore, do not have a passage to power or wealth or technology. This inequality put the wealthiest people in a position to dominate and in some cases control the decision-making process while leaving the less fortunate under the eight ball with their needs being ignored and they not being fulfilled. The other area of concern is the moral and ethical dilemma that has come about as a result of the growth of new media technology. The main area of concern is the privacy issue. Man's ability to create ways to take full advantage of unthinkable heights of technology put the world and those who reside in it in a place where they know it is a requirement to look constantly over their shoulders because everyone and everything become their risk of incurring loss or misfortune as a result of having privacy rights stripped from
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