Bsbhrm506A Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes

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Analyse strategic and operational plans and policies to Identify relevant policies and objectives 1. How can you identify policies and objectives relevant to the recruitment, selection and induction process? If it has an effect, either directly or indirectly, on the recruitment, selection and induction process then it is relevant. For example direct effect would be a policy/procedure for processing received applications, both electronic and hard copy. Indirect would a finance or budget policy/procedure as this could determine the budget for advertising, as well as whether the position is to be 0.5/fulltime etc. 2. Give examples of some recruitment, selection and/or induction policies.  Advertising Vacant Positions – is it to be advertised internally or externally; where advertisement is to be placed (online, newspaper);  Review of Position Descriptions – is it still relevant to the position; have duties changed; full time or part time.  Inductions – who is responsible for inductions or parts thereof; timeframes for completion of inductions.  Interview process – panel selection; questions for interviewee; number of applicants to be interviewed; interview program (introduction, questions, feedback, closure). 3. What are some examples of recruitment, selection and or induction objectives?  Increased staff retention – the most suitable applicant is appointed and therefore the process is less likely to need to be repeated, making it more cost and time effective for the organisation.  Achieving credibility – having the right person for the job – the business will build a reputation for competent, knowledgeable employees which in turn generates more business.  Continuity - having a consistent point of contact for customers, not one that changes regularly, this will help with brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.  Continuous improvement – what

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