Brutus And Creon Analysis

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Compare and Contrast: Creon and Brutus Aristotle defines the tragic hero in three ways: not completely virtuous nor utterly villainous, has a downfall brought on by some error in judgment or frailty, and is either “highly renowned or prosperous” so that the fall from good fortune to disaster will arouse strong emotion in the audience. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Sophocles’ Antigone it’s easy to see that according to this definition both Creon and Brutus are definitely tragic heros. In these works, it is easy to see that both Creon and Brutus are neither completely virtuous nor utterly villainous. Creon states he wants what’s good for the state and no enemies. However, he becomes stubborn and unwilling to listen to Haemons plea for Antigone’s life. In the beginning of the play, Creon shows he cares about the country and what happens to his people. This shows he has some virtues and isn’t utterly villainous. The fact that he becomes…show more content…
Creon, from the beginning, is in a prosperous position. He is the king of the state and has everyone’s respect and honor. When he refuses to let Antigone live and eventually gets Antigone, Hamon, and everyone else killed he looses his respect of himself and others. People no longer see him as king and he feels increasingly worse as he realizes what he has done. In Julius Caesar Brutus starts out as Caesar’s good friend. In the beginning of the play, Cassius asks Brutus if he wants Caesar to be king and he replies, “I would not, Cassius. Yet I love him well” (Act 1, Scene 2).This shows that he did care for Caesar and he respected him. However when he helped kill Caesar he lost Rome’s respect even though it was for the “good of the country”. This eventually leads to Brutus’ fearful death, his
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