British Airways Hrm

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Mohsen AmiriBesheli Human Resource Management in British Airways 0. Introduction to the British Airway British Airways is the UK’s largest international airline, flying to over 300 destinations, to the lots of international airports. British Airway is one of the biggest scheduled international passenger airlines in the worlds. The center of BA is Heathrow, London, UK. In 2007/2008 their moved nearly 33 million people. 1. HRM in British Airways Irrefutably Human Resource Management plays vital role in a company’s growth .Although implementing HRM seems to be very controversial in most of cooperation, Most of expert accept the fact which implementing a Real HRM can be very beneficial for cooperation. The assignment consists in studying the need for new approach in human resource management for British airways in a period from 2000 to 2011. Analyzing HRM policies in the British Airways is a hard task. Although there a lot of slogans, documents etc. out there but for understanding general HRM policies in BA we need to be more familiar with UK’s HRM policies. HRM practices in the UK are an undeniable part of any associations especially in nowadays. David E. Guest has to mention that development of HRM is a story of nice talks and lots of promises with little deliveries but in the way that can improve performance of employees. From publication and statistics on UK’s HRM related matters, it can be easily found out HRM is not that much change in the business usual. There are some points that should be emphasizing for having a better understanding about BA HRM strategy. First BA is a relatively successful in term of satisfying personals and in a general perspective there is true senses of uniformity in BA which can be conclude from little number of personnel strikes and legal complains in the past few years. Second HRM of BA was an integral part of
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