Britian Colonization Of Indigenous Australians

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Indigenous Australians are the original inhabitants of the Australia and nearby islands. The Indigenous Australians lost their land and culture, abused and murdered due to the unfair treatment to them. The Australian policies led to the Stolen Generations. The government forced to remove Aboriginal children from their own families and sent them to white families for cultural reprogramming. Indigenous people live averagely 17 years less than non-Indigenous people and every measure of social and physical welfare is lower for the Indigenous people than for non-Indigenous people. In 1788, Britian colonized Australia in three ways: conquered, charter and settled. British assumed that the there were no settled inhabitants or settled…show more content…
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 created the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and Racial Discrimination Commissioner to administer the Racial Discrimination Act and Racial Hatred Act 1995. Next, Racial Hatred Act 1995 amended the Racial Discrimination Act and show that it is unlawful to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group of people in public. Racial Vilification Act 1996 was intended to protect Aboriginal people from any public act that incited others to hate or ridicule a person on the basis of their race. The South Australia Equal Opportinity Commission administers this…show more content…
A number of cases concerning Indigenous people’s land rights have been heard in Australian courts in recent years. The Mabo v. Queensland case led to recognition of the prior land rights of Australian Aboriginal people by the common law of Australia.In Mabo v. Queensland (1988), Eddie Mabo instigated proceedings in original jurisdiction of the High Court to have the Queensland Coast Islands Declaration Act (1985) declared invalid. As it was in conflict with the Commonwealth’s Racial Discrimination Act 1975 The High Court held that the Queensland Act and the Federal Act were both valid. However, the both acts were inconsistent and according to the inconsistency rule in s.109 in Constitution the Queensland Act was declared invalid. This decision leads to the second case of Mabo v. Queensland .The High Court decision in Mabo v. State of Queensland (1992) 107 ALR 1 overthrew the belief that Australia was terra nullius when the English occupied it in 1788. This High Court decision recognized that the Indigenous Australians had native title to their land. Then, The Native Title Act 1993 was enacted to give effect to the principles of the Mabo decision. The act provides a regime for determining whether native title exists over particular areas of lands or waters, for validating certain past acts

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