Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Summary

546 Words3 Pages
Adolescent Breast Feeding A Review of “Breast Versus Bottle: Correlates of Adolescent Mothers’ Infant-Feeding Practices” Brandi Wilhite Chapter 3 Adolescent Breast Feeding A Review of “Breast Versus Bottle: Correlates of Adolescent Mothers’ Infant-Feeding Practices” The article Breast Versus Bottle: Correlates of Adolescent Mothers’ Infant-Feeding Practices states that because the number of infants born to adolescents each year is substantial, these infants are at increased risk for various kinds of morbidity against which breast feeding may be protective. Information about factors influencing these mothers’ decisions on infant feeding is obviously important. A prospective study of factors influencing feeding practices of intercity…show more content…
It asked all the questions about what things influenced their decision such as age, income, employment status, and social conditions. One of the things that was alarming to me was the fact that these young women for the majority believed that breast feeding prevents pregnancy. This would lead me to believe that the results could be inadequate because of lack of education and understanding. How much do these girls really understand the benefits of breast feeding versus bottle feeding? I would like to have conducted a more in depth discussion with these girls about the benefits of breast feeding versus bottle feeding and educate them on the pros and cons and then do a study to see how many would breast or bottle feed. In conclusion, the article did in fact pull down some statistics on the correlates of adolescent feeding practices and the information could be used to address the concerns caused by breast feeding versus bottle feeding. However by using only a specific group of disadvantaged women the sample and results are skewed based on not using an overall

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