Brave New World Summary

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Brave New World Brave New World, written in 1932 by Aldous Huxley, is a dystopian novel set in London, 2540, a time referenced as “The Year of Our Ford 632.” Brave New World opens in the Central hatching faculty and conditioning centre in London, as the director of hatcheries is showing how the facility works to a group of Alpha students. He explains the complicated process of producing thousands of humans from a single egg and sperm cell to the group of students. He also explains a concept called hypnopædia, learning while you sleep. As soon as people are “born” they begin hypnopædia. Slogans, sayings, and information are played to them while they sleep. In this society, there are distinct social classes, from highest to lowest class: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, Eplisons. Within those classes, there are also Plus’s and Minius’s of each class. The lower classes are looked down upon by the higher ones, and are given demeaning jobs. People are also bred to specialize in a job and to not want higher ranking positions. The government has also replaced all forms of religion with one unified form of religion in which they all worship Henry Ford for his revolutionary idea of the assembly line, a vital practice at the time. The government also cut off the tops of crosses to form a big “T,” a symbol of the Model T car that Henry Ford invented. From an early age, erotic play is encouraged, and by the time people are adults, it is socially unacceptable if people do not have sex often “The lift was crowded with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms, and Lenina's entry was greeted by many friendly nods and smiles. She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them.” ( Huxley 17). It is also socially unacceptable to have sex with the same person for too long; they only encourage promiscuous sex. People also take a common drug

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