Book Report Secret Life Of Bees

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Erika.O Mr. Callaci English, Period 4 5th December, 2011 Book Title: The Secret Life of Bees Number of Pages: 336 Author: Sue Monk Kidd Main Characters: Lily Owens, T. Ray, Deborah, Rosaleen, August, May, & June Boatwright, and Zach, Setting: Tiburon, South Carolina, 1964. Summary The “Secret Life of Bees” by Sue Monk Kidd is the story of a troubled 14 year old white girl Lily Owens, who lives on a peach farm with her cruel, uncaring father T. Ray. After her mother dies, Lily runs away from home and ends up living with a family of black sisters, August, June and May, who care for her, and help her a great deal. The characters in the story include Lily Owens the main character, T Ray her mean and uncaring…show more content…
There was excitement, sadness, grieve, racism, abandonment, hate, love, and happiness. The author explained the plot and the characters very well by making the story seem as realistic as it could be. These characters are completely believable, as well as the settings and actions. For example, when May had committed suicide, the setting seemed sad and gloomy. Another example is when everyone starts playing in the sprinklers, their actions are playful, excited, and childish. The plot in “The Secret Life of Bees” is both exciting and interesting. This is because it shows how white and black people treated each other with disrespect even after The Civil Rights Movement. Also, it shows that Lily is determined to learn about her deceased mother, and along the way she meets The Boatwright sisters, Zach, and Neil. It is possible that this plot does or could happen in real life. Abuse and racism happens in some countries and it can be very brutal, and is shown the same way as the story. Like Lilly there are children that continue to be abused by their parents and they are very sad and lonely but also there are also good people like the Boatwright sisters who are kind to all people regardless of their race. The ending of the story, solves the main plot’s conflict and there is a satisfying solution. At the end, Lily finds out the complete truth about her mother who lived in the Pink house, and on the day that she died, she went to get Lily and to run away from T. Ray. Lily also learns that she did kill her mother by accident, forgives herself and learns to love her mother. I would improve the book by adding Deborah's ghost as she watches over Lily through the whole story, and how much she changes as the climax reaches its end. I would recommend this book to families and friends, since it has a very important life lesson. “The Secret Life of Bees” is, once again,

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