Book Reflection Lost Symbol

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AP Summer Homework Book Reflection Title: Lost Symbol Author: Dan Brown The novel Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, was one of the most mentally stimulating and exciting novels to read. It was book that was hard to put down most of the summer. This novel is about Robert Langdon, a professor who teaches religious iconology and symbolism at Harvard University and his journey through the history of Free Masonry. The setting takes place in Washington D.C over a twelve hour period and visits many historic places such as Capitol Building and Smithsonian Institution. Robert Langdon's journey begins when he is invited to Washington D.C to deliver a speech in the Capitol Building by Peter Solomon, a Freemason the in the 33rd degree and a long time friend of Robert. He soon discovers the invitation was a hoax and finds Peter's severed hand in the Rotunda of the Capital building with strange tattoos. He soon realizes that he has been tricked into a life and death situation by Maklah' the forgotten son of Peter Solomon who's life goal is to find the “ Lost Word” that will make him powerful. Robert Langdon must find the Lost Word using is knowledge and skills in symbolism before times runs out to save his dear friend Peter. The history of this novel definitely comes from Freemasonry and the undiscovered neat historic facts that we miss everyday. The fact that each painting, building and art work we see today have a deep and intricate meaning behind it. The story takes us deeper in the free masonry religion and shows us the believe rituals of the Free Masonry religion. This book also takes us into the traditions and rituals of Free Masons. In the present, there are still many Free Mason organizations so it helped educate me about this religion. The history also teaches about many of the important figures in history, including George Washington, John Hancock,Paul Revere
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