Best Buy vs. Circuit City

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Gwenisala Henry HRM587 November 5th, 2012 Prof. John Anderson Best Buy vs. Circuit City Course Project Comparison Best Buy vs. Circuit City Best Buy and Circuit City were the most popular electronic superstores. There were huge conglomerates and very successful in the 1980s and 1990s. This paper will compare and contrast their difficulties in implementing transformational, cultural, and process change. In addition, compare their success and or failure. Circuit City was a mom-and-pop television store back in the late 40s. Circuit City was starting to grow because they were the first to come out with the superstore format. Through the years, which made them really popular, they started selling appliances and popular electronics. They were known for their stellar customer service. They dug their heels in the dirt and did not change. On the other hand, Best Buy continuously evolved with the signs of time. Because Best Buy had a strategic plan and stuck to it, they were able to be successful in their growth. Best Buy's implementation of this change and being successful is now considered a best practices for major companies. The comparison of both of these companies will be interesting because it will give undeniable proof of no flexible, a company could go bankrupt. Industries now are competitive and forever changing. There are only two choices: change or bankruptcy. In conclusion, Best Buy and Circuit City had some successes and failures in implementing transformational, cultural, and process change. In this comparison and contrasting course project, will get down to the core of what went wrong and what are the necessary changes. References–by–vs-circuit–city, 8599,1858079,00.hmtl– Why Circuit City busted, while Best Buy boomed.

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