Beowulf Essay

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Beowulf essay no. 1 Determine the effects that the use of kennings has on the multiple levels of meaning to Beowulf. In my opinion in some kennings it narrows my understanding, like ring-giver I don’t understand how a king is a ring-giver. But in other kennings like whale-road deepen my understanding how it explains itself ‘In the end of each clan on the outlying coasts beyond the whale-road had to yield to him and begin to pay tribute.’ It says right in the text costs beyond the whale-road the road that whales swim. Campbell’s heroic cycle affects my interpretation of the kenning by deepening my understanding of Beowulf. Like blood-lust the desire for blood when it says ‘the killer instinct unleashed among in-laws, the blood-lust rampant.’ That tells me about Heorot is a person that enjoys death. Then I know that the hero is called for adventure or his monster battle. How kennings deepen my understanding of Beowulf. Kennings make it easier to understand like ‘saw shields glittering on the gangplank and battle-equipment being loaded.’ In this part of text it tells me they are getting ready to go to battle. It deepens my understanding by how it gives me examples of battle-equipment. How kennings narrow my understanding of Beowulf. Kennings also make it harder to understand for example ‘he will run gloating with my raw corpse and feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy, fouling his moor-nest.’ What does moor-nest mean? At first it starts talking about eating his raw corpse then a moor-nest. In my conclusion kennings do deepen my understanding but they also narrow. The heroic cycle does help me understand a lot more about Beowulf and about kennings. Citation Anomymous. Beowulf seamus

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