Beowulf and Ulysses

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Interpretations of Hero Qualities Many people have their own interpretation of what makes a hero. Many heroic qualities can be seen in Beowulf and Ulysses. Although they share qualities such as intelligence and courage, they have many key differences that derive from the culture in which they were raised. Intelligence was a reoccurring quality that was shown repeatedly by both characters in their travels. An example of Beowulf’s intelligence can be seen at the start of his fight with Grendel. “My plan was to pounce, pin him down in a tight grip and grapple him to death-have him panting for life, powerless and clasped in my bare hands, his body in thrall.” (Heaney lines 962-965) Here Beowulf knew that to defeat Grendel, he would need the element of surprise. Even when Grendel mauled and killed one of his fellow Geat warriors he didn’t attack because the element of surprise was vital to the success of his plan to slay this unknown beast. Ulysses showed intelligence in the way that he helped himself and his men escape from the Cyclops. Ulysses had devised an elaborate plan that would allow himself and his men to escape the cave in which they were being held. First he gave the Cyclops wine to make him sleep and then blinded him. This allowed him and his men to ride out unseen on the bellies of the Cyclops sheep. Ulysses was able to think on his feet and devise a plan utilizing the resources he and his men had in the cave and go them all out safely. Both characters also show bravery throughout their adventures. An example of bravery shown by Beowulf can be seen in his response to king Hrothgar when he asks Beowulf if he will once again help his people by defeating Grendel’s mom. “So arise, my lord, and let immediately set forth on the trail of this troll-dam. I guarantee you: she will not get away, not to dens underground nor upland groves nor the ocean floor.”

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