Behavioral Constraints Essay

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Behavioral constraints Behavioral constraints are a negative form of action control. They make it impossible, or at least more difficult, for employees to do things that should not be done. The constraints can be applied physically or administratively. Most companies use multiple forms of physical constraints, including locks on desks, computer passwords, and limits on access to areas where valuable inventories and sensitive information are kept. Some behavioral constraint devices are technically sophisticated and often expensive, such as magnetic identification card readers and fingerprint or eyeball pattern readers. In situations where a high degree of control is desired, such 76 Chapter 3 ACTION, PERSONNEL, AND CULTURAL CONTROLS 77 as in facilities where radioactive materials are processed, secret service agencies where classified information is gathered, or casino count rooms where cash is handled, the benefits of such sophisticated controls may outweigh their costs. Administrative constraints can also be used to place limits on an employee’s abilities to perform all or a portion of specific acts. One common form of administrative control involves the restriction of decision-making authority. Managers at a low organizational level may be allowed to approve expenditures of up to $1,000; those at a higher level up to $5,000, and so on. Above those limits, the purchasing department is instructed not to place the order. The senior managers who restrict the decision-making authority in this way are trying to minimize the risk that untrained or uninformed employees will make major mistakes. Another common form of administrative control is generally referred to as separation of duties. This involves dividing up the tasks necessary for the accomplishment of certain sensitive duties, thus making it impossible, or at least difficult, for one

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