Battle Of The Bulge/Bastogne Battle

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For this research paper I will be writing about the Battle of the Bulge/ Bastogne, and how this is was a keep point in the Second World War to lead the allied forces to victory. On June 6th, 1944, most commonly known as D-day, 160,000 allied troops left England to go to the coast of France, in Normandy. The area where the Allied forces were landing was a 50 mile stretch of coast which the Nazi Germans had heavily fortified. More than 5000 ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion. Upon arriving at the in Normandy the allied forced were bombarded by mass of gun fired and shells where the objective was to reach the side of the hill on the beaches and to climb and destroy the enemy above. By day’s end June 6th, the Allied forces…show more content…
Hitler knew that he could hold off the Eastern Allies but were struggling to do them same with the Western, so Hitler wanted to get rid of the Western Allies first and then to defeat the Eastern. Germany’s western boarder was being to get surrounded and threated by Allied forces – from the southern end alongside France to the hilly and forested Ardennes area in the north. Once the Ardennes was mentioned to Hitler he knew that he had victory and had a plan. The Ardennes was a heavily wooded area that stretched through eastern Belgium and Luxembourg to northeastern France. The Ardennes had already played a great victory for the Germans because in early 1940, Hitler’s soldiers and tanks blasted its way through its rugged terrain in the Blitzkrieg attack (Blitzkrieg meaning “lightning warfare” because of the speed with which the attack advances.) It took them into France and ended with that long time enemy in German hands. The attack in 1940 was a success because it took the French by surprise as they had never dreamed that the Germans would strike from that direction because the Ardennes forests promised to make infantry and tank movement impossible. Hitler planned to do the same attack through the Ardennes on the western Allies to get the same victory they received when they did it in 1940. As German forces controlled most of the land all the way to Antwerp, the plan was…show more content…
This area was quiet no battles just the occasional gun fire but apart from that it was all quiet. There were huge battle going on to the north and south of the Ardennes but nothing where these platoons in the wooded area. It was known as the “ghost front” because there was no battle going on and the soldier there didn’t think there would be because of the weather and the area of which they were based. As it was so quiet along this stretch, the American headquarters thought it would be best to but veteran soldiers, who were tired from fighting for many months allowing them to have a calm period in the snow, and “Green Forces”, these were soldier who had never been in battle before and was a way to ease them into the war. On Saturday, December 16th, 1944, at exactly 5:30 in the morning, the Germans launched their attack. Artillery shells of all description came pouring in from behind the Siegfried line. The shells exploded everywhere, the shells threw snow and dirt high, uprooted tree, served communication line, shattered command posts, and blasted foxholes to nothing but a gaping hole in the ground. The Germans massive attack on the Western allied was under way and for the German soldiers that survived it was called the Ardennes Offensive. For the Americans, because of the huge and deep indentation it made in their lines, it would be called the Battle of the Bulge. The bombardment of shells lasted

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