BIS 318 Week 1: Role Of Technology In Business

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Role of Technology Paper Anthony Bando University of Phoenix BIS/318 Damien Edwards October 24, 2011 In today's business society, technology including hardware and software, is a critical role of all major businesses and corporations. Technology is essential in this current place in time to compete in the retail business. Technology can make the lives of a company easier as well as consumers who are willing to use it and save time and sometimes money. Technology can be in many different forms within an organization. Certain technologies enable customers and employees to communicate needs faster. The obvious technological advance is use of retail websites to help the consumer find what they need faster and more…show more content…
Optimistic effects include quicker operations, undertaking multiple operations with fewer personnel and accessibility to the consumer base. Systems that take inventory and POS systems all help to achieve these optimistic goals. Antagonistic effects include technology failures and security issues with more vulnerable technologies that are accessed through unsecure networks. In the competitive retail environment, it is imperative that companies utilize these technologies regardless of the negative annotations. It is then important for managers to find the best defenses against technology failures or security breaches. It is important that the consumer not be affected by this as much as at all possible. The impact that technology has on retail is enormous. Certain technologies such as self-checkouts, etc. are ways to give the consumer a choice on how they want their shopping experience to go. With all the people that embrace these new technologies, there are many who would rather do business the old fashioned way, without all the bells and whistles. For this reason, companies need to accommodate all types of consumers and be sure that the technologies do not overwhelm the product. Inventory control is another important role for technology to have a place in retail management. Software that can help stores understand why they seller don't sell are important to keep costs low throughout the company.…show more content…
(2010). Retail. Retrieved October 24, 2011 from Berman, B., & Evans, J. R. (2007). Retail management: A strategic approach (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice

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