B120 Tma02 Essay

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Part I) a) For many businesses a key factor in continued success and profitability depends on a committed and interested staff body. It is therefore essential that the recruitment process successfully targets and selects the most suitable candidates thus leading to lasting retention of staff. In order to successfully achieve this, the recruitment process should be viewed as and structured as a two-way process. This two-way structure is an opportunity for both parties to present information on what each has to offer, to consider if entering into the relationship will be beneficial and also to consider whether their expectations are met by the reality of what is on offer. By externalising the recruitment process the army faces various opportunities and threats. Outsourcing the process would give the army an opportunity to reduce costs, potentially saving £250 million over ten years by removing highly-paid staff from administrative duties. Another opportunity of externalising recruitment is the prospect of a more streamlined and effective recruitment process in the hands of professional and experienced recruiters, advertisers and marketers. Consequently this could impact positively on the selection process with an improved quality of candidates at the selection phase and a reduced number of soldiers not reaching the passing-out stage. A potential threat the army faces as a result of externalising recruitment is that external recruiters would have less insight into the internal culture and values of the organisation. As stated in the case study ’the most effective recruiters were young soldiers who had served on operations’. The lack of experience-based knowledge of external recruiters coupled with the financial incentive could result in a service that favours an approach of quantity over quality. A second threat could be to the possible change in a candidate’s
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