Authoritarian Screed Hypnotherapy

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Authoritarian script to reduce anxiety Now just close your eyes And move yourself in the most comfortable position you can Throughout this experience you will always be in control........ You will always be aware........ The state that you will achieve is a completely natural state, that will assist you to make the changes that you have sensibly come here today to achieve........ Start by concentrating on your breathing...... And my voice...... The outside noises will start to become irrelevant...... As you use the powerful ability of your mind to concentrate on your breathing......... And my voice will just be helping you to reach this beneficial state for accomplishing your goals...... You will soon start to notice that: * each breath in* takes the same time as *each breath out* Repeat each breath in takes as much time as each breath out...... The next task is to relax your body Your muscles from top to bottom And we will just concentrate on this now....... Still concentrating on your breathing and my voice............... Starting at your head just let those muscles in your scalp relax................. I am sure that you will be able at this point- to imagine seeing yourself relaxing in the chair........... Seeing your head getting heavier and more relaxed................. And as you do this your powerful subconscious mind, will start imagine the rest of your body relaxing................ In order to easily achieve the changes that you want to achieve by coming here today............... Let the muscle in your neck relax now.......... Always in control............ By now you will have understood the idea of what you are doing, and as you concentrate on your deepening breathing............. I will say to you the muscles of your body and the parts of your body and because you are now in contact with your own powerful subconscious you will

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