Atticus Real Courage

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to kill a mocking bird “I want you to see what real courage is…Its when you know you’re licked before you begin but begin anyway and you see it through no matter what”(112). The quote comes from the semi-autobiographic novel: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. In the book, there are many characters that show courage in their own personal way. Atticus Finch a moral lawyer who took a case that went against a prejudice community to help an accused black man, Tom Robinson. Mrs. Dubose, morphine addicted a woman who wishes to be free of the pain killing drug. Atticus and Mrs. Dubose exhibit courage in their own personal ways even though they know they are going to lose in the end. Atticus has been portrayed by having moral courage throughout the novel. He knows that with only a black man’s word against a Ewells, a white man word. This book was set in the 1930s, making a black…show more content…
Dubose take on an unwinnable challenge and they are aware of their own limitations. But still they proceed to fight the battle that they will lose in the end. Atticus takes a case that is impossible to win but hopes to win the appeal, Mrs. Dubose gets rid of the addiction, but she knows that she going to die. Atticus, like Mrs. Dubose, also knows just winning Tom’s appeal will not win the war of racism. Atticus’ courage shows to be more moral in the book because he is doing this for everyone and not just himself. Mrs. Dubose’s courage is seen to be more emotional because she is doing this for herself. Their courage’s are similar in ways but are different because Atticus is for everyone and Mrs. Dubose is for herself. Atticus and Mrs. Dubose have different types of courage, but they know that they will never win their battle. To be able to start and finish a challenge that outcomes are bad for you take courage. Atticus fights against society and Mrs. Dubose fights against herself. Despite their unwinnable battles, they still struggled against them, with
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