Assignment On St. Paul's Episcopal Church

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NORFOLK STATE UNIVERSITY ESSAY TITLE: St.Pauls Episcopal Church SUBMITTED BY: Cameron Thorpe DATE: September 21, 2013 HUMANITIES 210-90 Mr. Frank T. Elliott, Instructor St.Pauls Episcopal Church For this cultural enlightenment assignment I choose to do my assignment on the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church located downtown Norfolk, Virginia. The reason for choosing this location was because of its rich history. The church was built in 1739; it is the sole colonial-era building, which survived the various wars that Norfolk has witnessed. ( Such as the Revolutionary War, and also the Civil war .The church has played host to several different denominations throughout its history. Originally an Anglican church, the building was home to a Baptist parish in the early nineteenth century and was finally converted back into an Episcopal church. ( I attended St.Pauls Episcopal Church for its Holy Eucharist & Healing service at twelve o’clock on Wednesday…show more content…
Paul Episcopal Church the congregation was participating in Eucharist. Which is the "re-presentation" of Christ's atoning sacrifice, with the elements transubstantiated into Christ's physical as well as spiritual Body and Blood. The first thing that happened when the service began they said a prayer and then began with the process of the Eucharist. They started with the bread first which represents the body of Christ. Before eating the bread they said another prayer to god and while that was happening there was a loud bell sounds three or four times. Then after this they repeated the process with the wine, which represents the blood of Christ that was spilled when he was sacrificed. This was a very different process then what I am use to seeing in other churches it seemed as if they were trying to be as pure and thorough about the
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