Assignment 1.1: Communication Process Model

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Directions: Think of a misunderstanding you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home, or school. Then fill in the blanks of the chart below. Who was the sender? Myself. Who was the receiver? Amanda. What was the message? I had needed some more foam wrap to use on my client head but I didn’t have enough left over. What channel was used to send the message? Face-to-Face. What was the misunderstanding that occurred? I didn’t have enough foam wrap for the client so I took the foam wrap that belonged to my co-worker, Cynthia How could the misunderstanding have been avoided? I could have communicated better with Amanda by explaining when I came back from my car that I didn’t have any foam wrap with me and that I will just use the salon products Directions: Bring your completed chart to class for sharing in small groups. After each group member has shared his or her example with other group members, answer the following questions: 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity? I live through the communication process by using it in my work place. I try to use it in my everyday life as well as to keep confrontation down. I learned that using this process is very important and should be used continuously. Using this process will allow you to have no misunderstanding. 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? The main cause for this misunderstanding was Amanda trying to read between the lines and not having the right information that she needed to give to Cynthia. Each group will report its responses to the rest of the

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