Assess the View That Crime Is, Inevitable and Normal

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This synthesises with the idea created by Durkheim that when the collective conscience of a society is destroyed then crime becomes inevitable a state of anomie. This idea of crime being inevitable when the collective conscience of society is broken is supported by the work of Dennis. He developed the concept of the moral fabric of society. He suggested that the break down in marriage and the changing role of women in the family led to the marginalisation of the father. He also believes that there has been a decrease in the moral condemnation shown towards men who leave their families. So, young males do not have sufficient role models upon which to base their behaviour and do not face the discipline at home that a father might provide. Dennis argues that this crisis in the family weakens the moral fabric and demonstrates that values and commitment are not fixed but flexible. However, if crime is normal and inevitable, why is it that more people do not commit crime? Hirschi constructed the 'bonds of attachment' to understand what forces maintain conformity for most people in society. First, he refers to the attachment to which a person cares about other people's desires. Second, commitment or investment a person puts into their lives and what they would lose if they turned to crime. more. Conclusion To summarize, Merton claims that his analysis shows how the culture and structure of society generates deviance. To conclude, societies have to have rules and rules are broken therefore deviance is normal. Even Marxist sociologists see crime as a normal part of society in its indication of class conflict. It is inevitable because not every member of society can be equally committed to the 'collective sentiments, the shared values and beliefs of society. Since individuals are exposed to different influences and circumstances, it is impossible for all to be
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