Assess the effect on Christianity by Martin Luther

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Martin Luther has had an immense effect on Christianity in terms of the historical development and expression of the faith. With his 95 theses, he addressed corruption within the church which consequently formed a new variant within the Church known as Protestantism. Luther is also responsible for many of the denominations within this Church due to his influence on other theologians such as Calvin and Zwingli. Luther was able to cause an effect within the church by achieving reform and a long term impact which is evident in society today. Martin Luther, a German monk was born during a time of corruption within the Catholic Church. The Church had upmost power and was highly influential on the adherents. The issues of indulgences, simony and nepotism were becoming major issues and they were pulling the church further away from the true teachings and practices displayed by Jesus. Luther objected to these issues and his protests intensified when a Dominican monk named John Tetzel who quoted “When the money clangs in the box, the souls spring up to heaven”. The Black Death also led to a lack of Christian teachings with uneducated priests and clergy. Luther became aware that the Catholic Church teachings were not in accordance to the bible. He strongly opposed to the belief that salvation is achieved through good works, and he believed that the emphasis on rituals needed to be minimised. Luther was aware of all these issues and was determined to achieve reform and impact on the church. Luther’s 95 theses, which attacked the entire theology and structure of the Church, was nailed on the door of the church in Wittenberg. This document was an extremely effective medium which Luther used to display the corruption and power of the church, and ultimately begin the Protestant reformation. The effect of the 95 theses had caused awareness of the corruption within the Church
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