Assess the Claim That the Universe Offers No Evidence for the Existence of an Omnipotent God

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Assess the claim that the universe offers no evidence for the existence of an omnipotent God The idea that God is omnipotent is central to religious belief. Omnipotent means all-powerful and this suggests that God is capable of doing anything. However, once we start to examine the claim that God can do anything, we encounter some complications. If God can do anything, can he commit suicide? Can God swim or sin? Can God make a square circle? A definition is needed which enables these problems to be resolved. There are various possibilities and they will be dealt with in turn. The first definition to look at is the one put forward by Descartes. This suggests that God can do absolutely anything, including the logically impossible. On this view, God can do all of the above. God can do things that are contradictory; God can do the nonsensical; God can create square circles, commit suicide and swim. God is not limited by the laws of logic, since God created these laws and could abolish them if he wished to do so. This view is the strongest affirmation of God’s power. Descartes considered that if God had to conform to the laws of logic and non-contradiction, this would be a limit on God’s absolute power. He held that God created this world with its laws of logic but God would have been capable of creating different universes within different laws of logic. According to Descartes, we simply have no idea what is and what is not possible for God, so we cannot lay down any limitations on God’s absolute omnipotence. However, this theory does not come without weaknesses. The biggest weakest, in my view, is that if God could do the logically impossible, why didn’t he create a world in which we are free yet at the same time always choose and do good? This could eradicate the problem of evil and suffering which all of humanity are faced with. Furthermore, even the Bible
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