Compare the Concept of a Prime Mover with the Idea of God as a Craftsman

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Compare the concept of a Prime Mover with the idea of God as a Craftsman The concept of a Prime Mover was thought of by Aristotle who suggested there was a God because of the way things exist in the universe. Aristotle said that the chain of cause and effect cannot go on forever so there must have been something that started off this chain, he argued that there must have been an uncaused first cause that started off this chain of events, he said that this was the Prime Mover. The idea of God as a Craftsman suggests that God designed the universe in this specific way and it was not random at all. Genesis 1 and 2 portray God as a craftsman with a clear plan as to how he was going to create the world in six days. The repetition of the words ‘And God said’, ‘And it was so’, ‘And God saw it was good’ show that God is a craftsman who was very much aware of what he was creating; it is said that this God is omnipotent. These quotes also show that God takes pride in his work as he says ‘It was good’. This is extremely different to the concept of the Prime Mover as he did not create the world he simply started the chain of causes that caused its existence which means the Prime Mover cannot be called a craftsman as he simply caused the cause and effect chain. The Prime Mover is again different to God as a Craftsman as he s transcendent and does not interact with the universe unlike the craftsman which is described as all loving and interacts with his creation. There is evidence of this within the Bible when God causes miracles however there is also evidence of this in the natural world as when God causes natural disasters, he is interacting with his creation. The Prime Mover cannot interact with creation as he necessarily exists and is independent from everyone
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