Assess the Aims of the Communist Party of Kampuchea Under Pol Pot and the Effect It Had on the People

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“Assess the aims of the Communist Party of Kampuchea under Pol Pot and the effect it had on the people” The communist party of Kampuchea aimed at creating a classless society where “the peasants were regarded as the backbone of society” Sok Udom Deth 2009 . To create this classless society the Communist party of Kampuchea carried out a radical program of confiscating all property, abolishing all schools and relocating people from urban areas to collective farms formatting the year zero for Cambodia. To make sure people adhered to the classless agrarian society mass execution were taken out on intellectual citizens or citizens of high wealth or standards. The aims of the Communist Party of Kampuchea led to the separation and displacement of families, mass starvation and disease and the one of the worst Genocides in history. Pol Pots aim at a making Cambodia a classless society with the peasants at the backbone formed a largely agrarian based economy. Pol Pots support for an agrarian based economy was popular among peasant and the communist revolution took off due to it’s support for the peasantry. “It was … a complete peasant revolution, with the victorious revolutionaries doing what peasant rebels have always wanted to do to their urban enemies. The violence of the [communist revolution] did not spring from the brains of Pol Pot… rather nationalism , populism and peasantism really won out over communism” Cambodia 1975-1982, Michael Vickery 1999. It was the aim of a classless and equal society which won over the peasantry and for some had a positive effect among the peasantry. Although the reality of the totalitarian force of the Communist Party of Kampuchea was realised when CPK (Communist Part of Kampuchea) “policies deprived peasants of three of the most cherished features of the lifestyle: land, family and religion” when “CPK atomized it’s citizens to
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