Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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“Americans are living longer, healthier lives and we owe much of that success to biomedical research”, Dr Robert Palazzo, President of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. (Understanding Animal Research (2014)) For more than a century, animals have been a direct help in discovering new medical advances. The use of animals in biomedical research is crucial to the development of new and more efficient ways for diagnosing and treating diseases for both humans and animals. Scientists use animals to learn more about diseases and to assure the safety of new medical treatments. Animals used in research include rats, mice, birds, rabbits, frogs, cats, dogs and primates. The use of animals in biomedical research has allowed…show more content…
Ethics is a major issue when discussing the use of animals in research. Animal suffering has been justified time and time again by research scientists as there have been huge benefits to humans. They claim there is not a single area of medical research that does not owe many of its important advances to animal experiments. On the other hand those who believe in animal rights strongly believe animal research is unnecessary and that the killing of all these animals each year is the equivalent of a “holocaust”. Most people however believe in a cost benefit analysis to determine whether or not the use of animals is acceptable. The costs consist of usually pain, distress and death. However the benefits include acquiring new information and developing new medical techniques. (Flossos A.…show more content…
As Dr Robert Palazzo stated animal research is helping us to live longer, healthier lives. (Understanding Animal Research (2014)) Not only has animal research helped in preventing and treating diseases for humans but it has contributed in developing more than 80 medicines and vaccines for animals. (California Biomedical Research Association) Without the help of animals we would not be the developed, medically sophisticated planet that we are
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