Argument Topic: The War Had No Lasting Effect On The Role Of Women In Canadian Society.

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After the Second World War, there definitely was a long lasting effect on the role of women in Canadian society. You all know that women are being treated a lot better than they were back in the First and Second World War compared to the women society today, well in this paper I will be proving this, but mainly focusing on the Second World War. During the First World War, it brought many good changes to the lives of Canadian women. We began to see women becoming more recognized and important not just in Canada, but around the world. They began to take up jobs that would be considered unsuitable for women before 1914, such as working in munitions factories and other war industries. Many women volunteered to work overseas as nurses or ambulance drivers. They also drove buses, streetcars, and worked on police forces and civil service jobs. They were also needed for agriculture. Almost all jobs men did before they left to fight in the war were now a women’s job. All these jobs were a drastic change from their usual routine of cooking, cleaning and being “baby makers”, though women still got paid less than half of what men were getting paid doing these jobs. Women all across Canada started to realize that there might be something more for them in their future. Since women were doing so much for the war effort, they wanted a share in making decisions about their country. This is when women first began to work for political equality with men. They pushed for equal opportunities involving their careers, working conditions and wages, and the right to own property. A breakthrough came in 1916 when Robert Borden granted the sisters, wives, and daughters of soldiers the right to vote. Nurses serving in the forces were also added to that list. Unfortunately, after the war ended many women were pushed to the side, as the female factory workers, ambulance drivers, and nurses

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