Are Sports Players Payed to Much?

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How Much Is To Much? Professional athletes, we all love them for their sporting skills and their freakish abilities but do they deserve to be payed unbelievable amounts for it? Floyd Mayweather earned 85 million dollars in 2011 alone. In todays society I feel that somebody should be payed based upon his or her contribution to society. Although they entertain millions, athletes don’t contribute nearly as much to society as they should, based on their earnings. They do have potential to make a difference, but at the moment they are being unfairly rewarded for doing so little. People may argue that sportspeople entertain millions, if not billions of people. 141 million people tuned in to the 2009 Super Bowl. They have influence over all of their followers, but does this justify their earnings? Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, earns $400 000 a year. This tells us that power and influence should have no effect on how much you earn. Sponsors contribute a large percentage of money to athletes. They wear large corporations logos like a second face. Athletes are used all over the world to sell products and trick consumers. If they are the face of big companies, they should be good role models and leaders. This in some way would justify how much they earn. Sadly a lot of athletes are terrible role models and have a bad influence over too many people. Take Tiger Woods for example, he earned 100 million plus in one year and everyone looked up to him, than he went and cheated on his wife. This is not the right message they should be sending and they are getting paid while doing so. This means that advertisement is not a validation of their large wallets. It takes discipline and hard work to become a master at any sport. Years and years of practice go in to perfecting their chosen discipline. It is extremely tough to excel and to

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