Are Poor Americans Actually Poor

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Jeff Doyle Sundol WRC 1013-11 1 Nov. 2010 Are Poor Americans Actually Poor? The number of Americans in poverty today is rather shocking. There are currently thirty-seven million Americans who are classified as being "in poverty" (Rector 2). Many Americans are classified below the line of poverty, but in retrospect to the rest of the world, Americans seem far from poor. America is considered to be upon the most prominent and successful nations in the world; so, why is over a tenth of our population deemed as "poor" by our government? According to Robert Rector, senior research fellow on welfare and family issue, poverty can be defined as an inability to provide a family with nutritious food, adequate clothing, and a decent home for shelter…show more content…
American poverty however, should not be portrayed this way, as hardly one percent of those 37 million classified as poor claim they live without enough food to be properly nourished (Rector 9). The poor of America do have a hard time getting by, but by the rest of the world's standard, America's poor population is living the luxury life. "When disaster strikes in the poor world [referring to the world's third world nations] - as it so regularly does- People do not loot and steal. They do not fire guns at rescue helicopters. They do not rob the hospitals of their drugs. They do not barricade themselves in their rough shelters and write in white paint on their walls, Loot and Be Shot" (2). Seabrook gives a great depiction of how inhumane our poor are as a society. While families go hungry for days at a time in third world countries, our poor is set upon getting money, which is the basis of all trade and key to success in America. In times of disaster, it is clear that America's poor are more so poor in regards to their social class, than their ability to survive as human beings. Even poor families, who are overcrowded by U.S. standards or face temporary food shortages, are likely to have living conditions far greater than that of the world average. The poor of America do have a hard time…show more content…
"Nickel and Dimed." Research and Composing in the Disciplines: Custom Edition for the University of San Antonio at San Antono. Eds. Lauren Behrens and Leonard J Rosen. New York: Pearson, 2011. 215-222. Greenwell, Megan. "America’s Proud Tradition of Blaming the Poor". Change.Org. (2010) Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Lubrano, Alfred. "In Hard Times, Americans blame the Poor." The Philadelphia Inquirer. 15 Feb. 2010. Web. 27 Feb.2010. Manning, Steven.. "Poverty in America". Junior Scholastic. 108 (2006): 8-10. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO HOST. Web. 17 Oct. 2010. Rector, Robert. "How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America." The Heritage Foundation. 27 August 2007. Web. 26 Feb 2010. Reich, Robert. "Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer."Research and Composing in the Disciplines: Custom Edition for the University of San Antonio at San Antonio. Eds. Lauren Behrens and Leonard J Rosen. New York: Pearson, 2011.

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