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PS304-Psychology of Personality and Abnormal Behavior Assignment 2 Semester 1, 2014 Title: Moral Disengagement a tyrant’s excuse for cruelty. Name: Neha Navisha Kumar ID: S11077748 Course Coordinator: Tima Tuvuki Submission date: 4 July 2014 Word Count: 2679 Abstract In this essay the built up to Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein’s moral disengagement is discussed. The first half of the essay is focused on the life stories of Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. In the second half of the essay psychological theories such as social Interest, self-orientation, Narcissism and Goal of superiority is discussed in relation to Hitler and Hussein. This essay concluded stating that morally disengaged people are blinded and cannot tell right from wrong.
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Feminist Literary Criticism Feminist literary criticism, according to Michael Delahoyde, “critiques patriarchal language and literature by exposing how these reflect masculinity ideology” (Delahoyde). It was in the late 1970s, when feminist criticism became a strong literary criticism in the Western studies (Murfin). The aim of this paper is to analyse some of the main points between two feminist criticisms: the French criticism and the Anglo-American criticism. French feminists were highly influenced by Simone de Beauvoir. In her book entitled The Second Sex (1949), de Beauvoir, influenced by Sartre’s existencialism, states that ‘one is not born a woman; one becomes one’ (qtd in Moi, p. 92).