Are Interventions with Children and Adolescents

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Juvenile crimes are one of the most common problems that have negative consequences on any community. Juvenile crimes refer to the crimes that are perpetrated by individuals who are under the adult age. Statistical analysis indicated that this number grows daily. This has triggered the government to seek intervention measures to help reduce the increasing trend and hence safeguard the society against future offending. This because such children who have records of crime develop to become uncontrollable gangs in the society. In this view, the government has dedicated a lot of resources to rehabilitative projects in order to reduce these numbers. In addition, a number of intervention measures have been engaged to help the society to control criminal delinquents. However, there is still much to be done. In this article, we shall evaluate the effectiveness of the measures that have been taken to control the children and adolescents who have a high risk of future offending. According to researchers, there has been a lot of arrests of young children and adolescents. Law enforcement in the United States for example arrested 2.4 million children aged 18 years and below. This was a 18% of all arrests made, 33% of all property crimes and 17% of the criminal activities that were committed that year (Snyder, 1999). More significant is that cases of cases of youthful offenders are on the rise on among the young female compared to their male counterparts and this situation is raising an alarm (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1999). Children who are at the risk of offending in the future are treated separately from the adults. This is given special attention reason being that they require rehabilitation to get back from the bad behavior unlike adults who require punishment. Intervention facilitates in changing the antisocial characteristics which, if not

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