Are Corporations Psychopaths?

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Are Corporations Psychopaths? In this film “The Corporation”, directed by Mark Achbar (in 2003), it describes how a corporation can be classified as a psychotic person and can evaluate its behavior towards society and the environment. The purpose of this paper is to show how when a corporation is personified; the corporation resembles a psychopath person for various reasons. Joe Badaracco, Head of Business at Harvard University, defined a corporation as “A group of individuals that work together to serve a variety of objectives one of which is gaining large, sustained, and legal return for the people who own the organization” (Badaracco, 2001). Today’s corporations can be treated as a person. They buy and sell property, have right to free expression, and have the common rights that all individuals have. The World Health Organization feels that when corporations ignore social or legal standards and do not suffer from guilt then they should be categorized as a psychopathic person. In consideration of historic events regarding corporations its surprising this statement was not made sooner. Many historians feel that corporations attained their wealth during the Civil War as a result of increased government investment in military. Corporations began to establish factory systems and company towns. This led to government legislators giving corporations limited liability and decreasing legislative authority over them. Over time, corporation’s skyrocketed during the Industrial Revolution where the main concept was “Productivity.” Mark Archbar, the producer of this film, says that a corporation can be looked as a “Jigsaw Puzzle,” with the common purpose being end success (Archbar, 2003). This analogy presented a good description of the Industrial Revolution, during this time corporations main goal was productivity and efficiency, which would result in increased
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