Are Computer Taking over Our Lives?

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01/15/2013 pg.1 ENGL 1101 Are computers taking over our lives? The modern day can’t exist without computers. But are the computers are taking over our lives? I think that I’m somewhere between agreeing and disagreeing. There are a few points that can sustain my position. It is a time of fast progress, a technical revolution we can say all around us. Everywhere we look we are surrounded by computers, IPads, IPods, smartphones and numerous variety gadgets. We can see them at home, at school, stores, public places, institutions, at work I can name it. Not to say that how early they start to invade in peoples life. Nowadays often we see little toddlers playing on computers, or Ipads, or some videogames that we can even imagine how to start. So, basically in these days using a computer can start at very early ages. Also the computer use is now an absolutely necessary need in schools. Because I not really familiar with the U.S. school system I can’t tell exactly when the computers are introduce to students but I can tell that my 6th grader nice is frequently uses computers for a long time now. It is probably a necessary tool but the age of the users is very low. What can we do today without computers in this modern, very fast growing economy? I think it would be very hard to exist. Modern technology requires human brain and thinking but without the computers, programs, networking and all the other applications that computer use requires we can’t go further. It is how our society, how our life has changed. I can’t name any domain probably where computers are not used. So, even is
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