Apush Cause & Effects of British Acts

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The French and Indian war led to the Paris Peace Treaty of 1763, which gave Britain the colonies of France. As colonists began moving into these new lands the Indians rebelled. During Pontiac’s rebellion many people died which led Britain to pass the Proclamation Act of 1763, forbidding the colonists from going into lands where treaties had not yet been made with the Indians, thus protecting them from harm. The colonists did not see it this way, and some continued to move west anyway. The war also doubled Britain’s debt which led to the passing of the Sugar Act, which taxed sugar going into the colonies. The colonists believed they needed representation in order to be taxed and therefore didn’t want to pay any new taxes which led to reduced trade and protests as the colonial economy suffered. As a result the British passed the Quartering Act, sending more troops in, as well as the Currency Act and the Stamp Act, which gave Britain control over the colonial economy and established more taxes. The Committee of Correspondence was established as a result of the Currency Act to coordinate action against Britain. As a result of the Stamp Act the sons and daughters of liberty were formed; they led resistance efforts to end the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act Congress, which aimed to prove to Britain that the colonists had a right to representation, also formed. The efforts of these organizations as well as boycotts by many colonists led to the repeal of the Stamp Act. At the same time the Stamp Act was repealed, the Declaratory Act, which gave Britain more control of colonial law, was passed. Shortly afterwards followed the Townshend Acts, which placed taxes on glass, paper, paint and tea. They led to increased smuggling as well as more extreme events such as the Boston Massacre where five people were killed as the British fired into an angry mob of colonists that was harassing
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