Apology Critical Analysis

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Parth Kamani Socrates’ Philosophies At some point before the events of Plato’s The Apology, the Oracle of Delphi recognized Socrates as the wisest of all men. This culminated in Socrates earning the hatred of those he questioned. Ultimately, he finds himself in a trial on the charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. Socrates previously stated that the youth associate with him voluntarily. With this in mind, his first question to Meletus is: “Come now, tell these men, who makes them better?” (Ap. 24d). The gist of Meletus’ answer is that all Athenians except Socrates make them better. Socrates follows up by asking, “Is there anyone, then, who wishes to be harmed by those he associates with?” (Ap. 25d). Socrates forms a powerful argument with these two questions. If all Athenians besides Socrates improve the youth and people do not associate with those that harm them, then the youth wouldn’t associate with Socrates. However, they do. Therefore, Socrates must not harm the children. On the topic of piety, Socrates begins with this question: “Is there anyone who believes there are daimonic matters, but does not believe in daimons?” (Ap. 27c). This is relevant because Socrates was accused of teaching daimonia. However, Socrates would not teach daimonia if he did not believe in god. There is an inconsistency in Meletus’ indictment. Socrates points it out. He says, “you say that I do not believe in gods, and again that I believe in gods, since in fact I do believe in daimons” (Ap. 27d). There is a error in Meletus’ accusations because Socrates cannot both teach daimonia and be an atheist. The two notions are mutually
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