Ap Psychology Worksheet

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Intro to the Biological Perspective Define the following terms: Spinal Cord- A thick bundle of nerves that are connected to the brain and run along the spine. Links every part of the body to the brain. Neuron- An individual nerve celL The most important unit of the nervou s system. jv Dendrites- Small branches that exitfout of the cell body of a neuron and receive messages from other neurons. Axons- Small branches at the other end of the neuron that carry messag es away and transmit them to the next neuron. Synapse- A small gap between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another. j.-’ Neurotransmitters- A chemical substance that allows neural messages to cross the synapse. Central Nervous System- Consists of the brain and spinal…show more content…
a. In your own words, describe what role the myelin sheath plays in neural transmissions, and how is the myelin sheath related to the disease of multip le sclerosis? (1. marks for quality of response and inclusion of details.) The myelin sheath is a fatty coating which is wrapped around the axon of many neurons, It provides insulation to the axon and improves it’s capacity to conduc t neural impulses. By acting as a conductor, the myelin sheath allows the neural impulses to skip widely spaced gaps in the neuron, greatly speeding neural transmissions. Multiple Sclerosis destroys the myelin sheath of many neuron s. People suffering with MS have difficulties controlling their muscles and often suffer serious vision problems because their neurons are unable to operate at normal efficie ncy. ib. In your own words, describe how neurotransmitters work and how can drugs like Thorazine and Prozak help with psychological disorders such as schizo phrenia or depression? (. marks for quality of response and inclusion of…show more content…
They stimulate the adjacent dendrite and allow the neural messag es to ‘cross over’ the synapse onto the next neuron. Psychological disorders are the result f 0 irregularities or disruptions in the neurotransmitters in certain parts of the brain. Psychotropic drugs can aid in alleviating some of the symptoms by manipulating the amount or action of certain neurotransmitters. c. In detail, describe the difference between the Somatic and Auton omic nervous systems. (. marks for quality of response and evidence of though t) The Somatic and Automatic nervous systems are divisions of the Periph eral nervous system. The somatic nervous system carries messages from the Centra l nervous system to the muscles that control movement, both voluntary and involu ntari. It,also receives messages from the joints, skin, sense organs and muscles. The Auto nervous system is made up of the nerves that carry messages to and from the glands an viscera organs. S e eta musc es are on y a ecte t e Auto y nervous system when stress induces muscle tension. Essential body functions, emotion and motivation are a contro e y t e uto nervous system. e are a e to control areas connected to our Somatic nervous system much more readily than those connected to our Autot ‘iiervous system. Changing thought proces ses or learning to relax different parts of the body to lessen emotional arousal is possib le, but difficult. Usually

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