Ap Physics Lab Report Essay

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AP Physics C Lab Report i. Purpose: To use derivatives to investigate the various characteristics of cardboard ii. Materials: Compass, Cardboard, mass balance, ruler, meter stick iii. Procedure: 1. Measure and record the diameter of each of the disks in meters. 2. Mathematically record the radius of each of the disks as well. 3. To measure the circumference of the disk, make a mark on the disk and place the disk on the meter stick with the mark coinciding with a meter stick reading. Roll the disk for one revolution along the meter stick to obtain the circumference. Measure and record this value. Do this for each disk. Iv . Data Tables Disk | Diameter(meters) | Radius (meters) | Circumference (meters) | Mass (kg) | 1 |…show more content…
5 .For part III, Average was needed to be found after Find the Mass/A of each all 5 disk. To do that Add all the values in Table 3 and divide them by 5. 6 .For Part III, Percent difference between the average value and the slope of the derivative diameter graph was found by doing this: ((slope of the derivative vs. diameter graph- average)/slope of derivative vs. diameter graph)*100 =67.9% VII. Analysis Questions/Answers 1. The Slope in Part I represents π 2. Yes the graph in part I was linear because the r^2 value was closer to 1 3 No the graph in part II was not linear because the r^2 value was not closer to 1 4. The units of the derivative is kg/meters 5. The units of the derivative vs. diameter graph is kg/meters^2 6. The graph derivative vs. Diameter was linear because r^2 value was closer to 1. 7. The units of the derivative vs. diameter graph could represent _______________ 8. Mass vs. Diameter graph is not linear but instead it is parabolic. 9. The equation related to circles that matches the graph stated above is

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