Ap Euro Peasant Revolts

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Peasant Revolt DBQ During the mid-Sixteenth century, the peasants of the Holy Roman Empire were quite outraged by the ways of society. Many of the Lutheran ideals had encouraged them to make a stand against their lives of misery and hardships. Lords and Nobles treated the peasants poorly and hindered there economic rising in society by forcing them to perform tasks without much deserved pay. The general response to the revolts was that it was pointless and went overboard, leaving the peasants almost worse off than before. Overall, many have argued that the widespread revolt of the German peasants was unnecessary and defying of their religious beliefs. Various factors played an important role in causing the peasant uprising. Martin Luther and his revolutionary ideals heavily influenced the peasants. Luther preached against the tyranny of the aristocratic members of society. He also believed in peasants being freed from serfdom. This view was adopted by the peasantry and was a key cause in their uprising. Sebastian Lotzer and Christoph Schappeler were two preachers that strongly believed that peasants should not stand for mistreatment by their lords. They stated that lords should not force any more work on the peasants than they are being compensated for. This was major cause because the peasants demanded to be paid fairly. As preachers, Lotzer and Schappeler were very influential in spreading this view (Doc 2). The Peasant Parliament told the Memmingen Town Council that they would be obedient to all authorities appointed by God, in all fair and reasonable matters. As a parliament full of peasants, they represented the views of the majority and were accurate in expressing their needs. They also said that their Christian lords would eventually release them from Serfdom (Doc 3). The lords’ failure to free the peasants caused them to rise up and revolt. The
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