Animal Cruelty Speech

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You should report animal rights. Factory Farms Laboratories Entertainment Experimentation Medical Medical research accounts for only a 3% of medical advances in this country. At least 5 billion of U.S. tax dollars are poured into animal experimenting each year. Cosmetic Over 70 million animals a year are tortured and killed in U.S. laboratories. Rabbits are routinely blinded by having various products forced into their eyes. This is call the Driaze test. Does not guarantee human safety, but, protects companies from political lawsuits. Factory Farming Over 10 billion animals are slaughtered annually for human consumption. Of the 10 billion at least 6 billion are derived from broiler chickens, which are killed after 9 short weeks of life. Laying hens are kept 5 or 6 to a 14 square inch cage. As many as 20% die from stress and disease from living conditions. At least ½ of 10 million milk cows live on factory farms in conditions that cause tremendous suffering to the animals Cows of the 90’s lived only about 4-5 years as apposed to a life expectancy of 20-25 years. To keep animals at high levels of productivity farmers keep them pregnant constantly through artificial insemination. Entertainment Since 1990 captive elephants have killed 43 people. The degree of suffering and cruelty of training techniques is clear when naturally peaceful elephants attack humans. More than 40,000 bulls are killed every year in bloody bull fights. For entertainment they are tortured over the course of an hour, speared in their backs, before finally dying from blood loss and/or exhaustion. Sheep picture the sheep on the far right was rescued by Farm sanctuary after being thrown on the dead pile. Turkey pic Bred to grow unnaturally fast, factory farmed turkeys suffer crippling leg injuries and often die from starvation and dehydration in the excrement

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