Angelina Jolie Essay

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Celebrity Activist Essay Angelina Jolie Fresh face, pouty lips, perfect body. Humanitarian, Goodwill Ambassador, devoted mother. These are all words that come to mind when we think of the eminent and well-reputed actress, Angelina Jolie. When she says things like "I've been reckless, but I'm not a rebel without a cause," (Mercer, 36) some may think of her as freaky or bizarre. Coming from a dark past, Angelina didn’t want to be the famous actress we all know today. She actually thought about death a lot and wanted to be a funeral director. (Mercer, 21) But the fact remains that though her persona is seen as radical or unorthodox, Angelina Jolie is one of the most influential figures in today's society. Paradoxically, she had started her career as being an unruly, out of control actress claiming publicity due to her wild antics, tattoos, dark past, and public displays of affection. However, while she was filming a movie in Cambodia, Angelina became aware of all the atrocities that were going on in the world. While she was there, she was overwhelmed by the kindness of the people, and she couldn’t believe that so many Cambodians were still suffering from the effects of the Civil war. Angelina also watched the news in England, and said it was a real eye-opener for her. She had never been exposed to what was going on in other countries before, and that made her realize how sheltered from the world we are in America. (Mercer, 78) From then, Jolie transformed from this basket case of an actress into a wise and remarkable woman. She took that step to visit and aid some of the most desperate places in the world that most of us would never dream to set foot in. Starting out as an unhealthy and reckless actress, Angelina Jolie transformed into a wise and remarkable young woman. As she took the leap to becoming someone who can make a difference, she showed the world
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