Andy Lawrence On The Sidewalk Bleeding Identity Analysis

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Identity As you go through different stages in your life, your identity will change. As you grow up, you will mature. The things you experience and people you encounter will alter your appearance and change your attitude. People change whether it’s physically, emotionally or even spiritually. Identity impacts the decisions you make, defines who you are and changes as you mature. Friar Laurence made a variety of important and strong willed decisions. The protestors in "Forbidden City” sacrificed their lives for change and equal rights. Andy from “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” made an important realization about his identity. Friar Laurence would never be the same after the unfortunate events he experienced. Identity has a major impact…show more content…
Andy from “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” was only 16 years old when he was stabbed. First, being a tough gang member doesn’t make you cool. Andy was part of a gang called the “Royals.” Andy had always been hiding under his purple “Royal’s “ jacket. He thought that his true identity was a hard-core gang member. Being part of a gang didn’t make Andy cool or masculine at all. It made Andy look scared and think if he were part of a group, he wouldn’t be good enough as an individual. Second, it is dangerous being part a gang. Andy was going to die because a rival gang member from the “Guardians” stabbed him. This didn’t make him a hero. It showed Andy that no one from the “Royal’s” was really his friend. He was lying on the pavement on his own and not one Royal was making sure he was okay. It goes to show you who your true friends really are. Third, it is more important to be seen as an individual, rather than part of a group. Andy realized that being part of a gang was the reason he was going to die. He took off his Royal’s jacket. This symbolized that he wanted to be remembered as an individual, not a Royal. In conclusion, Andy grew up and took the first step to becoming his true identity. Andy went through a major stage before he died, leading him to the conclusion that he was good enough being Andy, the person and not Andy, the “Royal.” The protestors in the Tian An Men Square Massacre fought for

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