Andrew Jackson by Robert V. Remini Summary

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Andrew Jackson. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. By Robert V. Remini Andrew Jackson was the most complex of presidents in American history and is a very interesting subject to study. Many historians study President Jackson’s life and the Jacksonian Era, some colleges even have a major of Jacksonian history. One of those that have taken part into studying President Jackson is Robert V. Remini, author of the book Andrew Jackson. Robert V. Remini is an expert in the studies of Andrew Jackson. Remini is a historian, Professor of History and Research and Professor of Humanities Emeritus at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Remini is also an author of many Jackson Era books. Some of those include; Andrew Jackson and the Bank War (1967)Andrew Jackson (1969)The Life of Andrew Jackson (1988) The Revolutionary Age of Andrew Jackson (1985)The Jacksonian Era (1989)Henry Clay: Statesman of the Union (1993)Daniel Webster: The Man and His Time (1997) Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars (2001)John Quincy Adams (2002) Joseph Smith (2002) The House: The History of the House of Representatives (2006) Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party Great Generals Series: Andrew Jackson, A Biography (2008)A Short History of the United States The Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson and America's First Military Victory (1999). With Remini’s works he has won the Spur Award for Best Nonfiction Historical. He was also nominated for National Book Award for Nonfiction. Remini is very well known for illustrating Jackson’s life in a very spectacular way. President Jackson did not make capturing his life in an appealing way difficult, for his life was very fascinating. He was a leader from his beginning and even before he began. His father, also named Andrew and his mother, Elizabeth, were from Carrickfergus and immigrated to America in 1765 with their two sons, Robert and
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