Analysis Of The Fourth Of July Aundre Lorde

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Reader Response for 'The Fourth of July by Aundre Lorde' By April Kobel My initial thought when I began to read The Fourth of July by Aundre Lorde went to the memory of my first road trip to Washington D.C. with my family which consists of myself, my brother and my father. It was aound my year of fifth grade. My brother and I rode while my father drove from where we lived in Chicago with my Grandmother to a campground near Washinton D.C. where we would stay during our visit there. I enjoyed the road trip because my father had planned a few stops along the way of activities and places we can enjoy. It was after I read Aundre's story that I sat and thought again, as I do often, how fortunate we are in this day and age that the discrimination

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