Analyse the Reasons for the Defeat of Germany in the Second World War.

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5. Analyse the reasons for the defeat of Germany in the Second World War. Throughout the Second World War, more precisely after the German invasion of France on May 1940, many key decisions were made by the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler which ultimately led to Germany's defeat. Considering the weak military state of Britain during the first crucial years of the war, as well as the USSR's military unpreparedness after German invasion, it can and will be argued that Adolf Hitler and many of his military decisions were the key reasons for the defeat of Germany in the Second World War, or more precisely the reasons why Germany could not come out victorious. Following the successful invasion of France when the German forces penetrated the Maginot Line through the Ardennes region, Hitler quickly mobilized his ground forces and Panzer divisions to the town of Dunkirk in just 10 days. This proved to be an excellent military decision and preemptive action, given that the entire British expeditionary force (about 300,000 soldiers) had been amassing at this precise coast. However, out of fear of an allied counter-attack, Hitler ordered Chief of Mobile Forces Heinz Guderian to halt the Panzers, and surprisingly ordered the ground forces to retreat. Instead, Hitler would let the Luftwaffe do the job and bomb the British soldiers from above with Goehring's support that the tanks were not needed. Nonetheless, the slow stuka divers could not compete against the rapid english spitfires; this resulted in heavy losses for the German air force and was the first failure of the Luftwaffe. Many, if not most english soldiers managed to escape the bombings and fled to English mainland in what is remembered as the "Miracle (evacuation) of Dunkirk", or in the minds of many German military officers, especially Guderian, as a lost opportunity to force Britain on its knees. In fact, retired
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