An Ambassador Is Sent To Lie Abroad Essay

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"An Ambassador is an honest man who is sent to lie abroad for the good of his country" "An Ambassador is an honest man who is sent to lie abroad for the good of his country," a British Ambassador, Sir Henry Wotton, scribbled in an album at Augsburg. It was discovered by one of his enemies and reported to James I. Shocked, the king refused to employ Wotton again despite his plea that he had written the comment merely as a "merriment". This quotation captures the fact that states, represented by diplomats, do lie to each other, because there exists a prejudice that lying serves to national interest. In fact, political leaders and their diplomatic representatives tell the truth to each other far more often than they lie. Diplomats, as lawyers and merchants in the ancient times are ridden on their image. A diplomat found making a statement false to his knowledge destroys his credibility.…show more content…
To state it clearly, Sir Henry Wotton tried to portray the ethics and philosophy of a diplomat. Moreover the statement reveals the dilemma of diplomacy: how to represent the will of your sovereign without singeing the reputation both of your country and your own. Diplomacy is one of the oldest professions, it appeared with the first states and Empires. Through the centuries diplomacy was portrayed as a practice of some kind of espionage in the shadows. Napoleon once said: “Ambassadors are, in the full meaning of the terms, titled spies.” This traditional view of diplomacy has been reinforced by a modern popular attitude that focuses on one particular aspect of diplomacy, its secrecy. In some respects depreciation of diplomacy in the
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