Amusing The Million Analysis

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Coney Island In Amusing the Million, a book written by John F. Kasson, readers are allowed to step back into a time long ago where American culture was experiencing a big change. The attitudes and behavior of the people were becoming more liberal and less conservative. This is easily seen through their forms of entertainment and socially accepted norms. Coney Island and its great amusement parks and beaches help serve as a poster place so that we can see the transition unfold. The first amusement parks, the Columbian Exposition and Central Park, followed the guidelines of America’s conservative values. Although in different ways the parks still gave visitors a scene of a city atmosphere. It was noted that the Columbian Exposition had “an…show more content…
In fact, many people were disturbed by the impact it was having on our society. The carefree environment made many question what type of culture was America becoming. “From barbaric entertainment, they saw an emerging barbaric new culture” (Kasson 96). James Huncker was not a extreme conservative man. He “ranged freely over music, literature, art, and other subjects,” but could not agree with what was taking place at Coney Island. Critics like him who had visited the island could not deny the fun environment, but felt that when people arrived a Coney Island, they lost their mind and moral values. Not only were they concerned about human character; they were also concerned about the economy as a whole. Coney Island was changing America “from a ‘pain economy,’ where scarcity of resources demanded a struggle for subsistence, to a ‘pleasure economy,’ in which abundance was potentially available to all” (Kasson 90). People would avoid sin to be sure not to be punished by unemployment and bad economic standings, but without this fear, it was unknown what citizens of the United States would start acting like. Although I am reflecting directly on Coney Island, it was not the only place that this criticism was being found. People had a problem with the change in entertainment as a whole from theaters to movies houses and dance
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