"Almost A Man" Dave's Characterization

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Dave Wright’s Characterization Perrine’s Literature book states that there are 3 basic principles of characterization to make a character and story convincing. It says the first trait is creating convincing character behavior. The second would be detailing a characters words and activities spring from motivations readers can understand and believe. Third principle being that the character must be plausible and life-like. These three beliefs make the characters and the story more believable. Capturing the reader’s attention and leaving everlasting memories in their mind for years to come. I believe that the character of Dave Wright in the story “Almost a Man” does exhibit these basic 3 principals, by creating a convincing charter, keeping his actions intact with his motivations, and giving him the like-like qualities that any reader can relate with. When reading “Almost a Man” Dave Wrights character is not real complex. He’s a guy I’m sure we have all come across at one point or another. Simply just a country boy who is believes he is ready to undertake all of life as he sees it. Still dependent on his mother and father more that he can comprehend. When the author wrote this story they defiantly understood how to make his character more of a stock character. This element kept him likeable, without being too flashy in my opinion. His behavior further backed this up as he was just not mature enough to handle real world situations and consequences. Dave had a few different motivations in this story. His most predominate motivation was to become a man. This led him to his antagonist of the story, the gun. “One of these days he was going to get a gun and practice shooting and then they couldn’t talk to him as if he were a little boy.” His decision to hide the gun from his mother after he has gotten it, is something we can all relate too. We
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